Dreaming of Upgrades

Canon 50DTis the season to be contemplating camera upgrades.....
I've had the Canon 30D for 2 years now, I haven't been terribly pleased with it for some reason. In fact, I think I liked the results from my old Canon EOS more....For 2 years I've been working with the 30D, and now, with the 50D out, the price seems right, and the additional features seem worth the change...unless I'm feeling Uber lucky and want to get the 5D.... which is a bit of a leap, all things considered.....
Mostly, the 30D hasn't impressed me. I'm not thrilled with the autofocus options, I'm a bit sad at the limitiations of the ISO (I'm an ISO whore when it's dark). I have an aversion to using the flash. Ever.
The 5D would likely be the camera they bury me with. It's just a question of when to buy.

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